Today, we compiled five piano beat instrumentals that you can download for free. At La Scratcheuse, we hit Youtube and had so much fun freestyling on free piano rap beats that we had to share some of them with you. Here’s what you’re going to find below:
- Sad piano beat for free : Download
- Dark piano beat for free : Download
- Hard piano beat for free : Download
- Chill piano beat for free : Download
- Romantic piano beat for free : Download
- Happy piano beat for free : Download
Thus, it’s time for you to start or expand your personal collection of beats.

In the post for each instrumental, we provide you with info on these piano instrumentals, an analysis to get you in the mood of the song, as well as some information about the beat maker. By the way, we encourage you to support the beat maker by going to his Youtube channel and following him.
// Important to read // How to download the free beats?
Last but not least, we verified that the beats were actually free. The download links will redirect you to the instrumental page on the Beatstars website. Although they are free to download, you will need to create a free Beatstars account to be able to do it. Once on the beat page, hit the download button. Depending on the link, you will be asked for a free action in return. That can be to follow the beat maker on Twitter or to enter your email address, among others. Finally, make sure you read all the conditions when you download the beats so that you know what you can do with them.
Free sad piano beat
Check out this sad piano rap beat made by Dream Union Beats.
Download this free sad rap instrumental
You can download it for free here on Beatstars : Download
Instrumental info and analysis
- Name: Answer me
- BPM: 140
- Key: Am
A sad piano beat, as we like them. The beat is somewhat simple. Indeed, it wraps around four piano chords and a very melodic piano melody. But, what makes this piano beat so appealing and interesting resides in the FX that are used. First, there is a very airy and high-pitched melody during the hook that is also recalled partially during the verses. It’s like an enchanted mermaid’s voice singing in the back. Second, the bells used to announce the hook bring an almost fairy aspect to the song. To finish, there is a violin used during the chorus that supports the sad and nostalgic mood of this piano instrumental.
About the beat maker, Dream Union Beats
Dream Union Beats is a German producer specializing in sad beats. On Beatstars, he has around 1,4K fans and 4K on Youtube (on this date, July 12, 2022). Dream Union Beats wants to inspire hip-hop artists around the world. The producer wishes to preserve music as an art form and regards a beat as a work of art rather than a commercial product.
Go follow him and discover all his beats: Go
Free dark piano beat instrumental
Check out this dark piano beat instrumental made by SkuzaBeats.
Download this free dark rap beat instrumental
You can download it for free here on Beatstars: Download
Instrumental info and analysis
- Name: Calibre
- BPM: 97
This is a dark and sad beat, ideal for writing about difficult subjects such as the mafia, violence, destruction, or other related topics. There are two piano melodies. The first one is pretty mesmerizing and gives a hypnotic mood to the song. The second melody consists of high-pitched notes, bringing a bloody mood to the beat. Finally, what supports this dark song’s shape is the big 808; the loud kick; and the sharp snare that SkuzaBeats uses.
About the beat maker, SkuzaBeats
SkuzaBeats is a French producer. He is very active on Youtube (2 to 4 beats uploaded each month). You will find many beats to have fun rapping with. On his Beatstars account, he uploaded 5 beats to download for free.
Go follow the artist: Go

Instrumental Hard Music Piano
Check out this hard piano beat instrumental made by OGKing.
Download this hard piano instrumental for free
You can download it for free here on Beatstars: Download
Instrumental info and analysis
- Name: War Zone
- BPM: 153
- Key: Fm
War Zone is an instrumental with a fast tempo, a loud kick and a fast piano melody. Also, there are some siren FX and other organic sounds that put you in an angry mode. As a result, it’s a perfect beat to kick a bad ass rap. Besides, there are many variations in percussion and melodies, so that you can bring different atmospheres to your song. Really, there is something in this hard piano beat to make a captivating rap song.
About the beat maker, OGKing
Lazar AKA OGKing, is a 23-year old Serbian music producer. He’s got 14,6K fans on YouTube (on this date, July 12, 2022). The young producer is an idealistic person. Indeed, he sees music as a tool or solution to generate a better world for mankind. He started making music using simple software for fun (like La Scratcheuse) and quickly, the entertainment became a passion and then a profession. As a matter of fact, he’s now a professional musician working for artists, even U.S. ones.
Go follow the artist: Go
Chill piano rap beat
Check out this chill piano rap beat made by Phobos.
Download this chill rap beat for free
You can download it for free here on Beatstars: Download
Instrumental info and analysis
- Name: Faces
- BPM: 86
- Key: Cm
In this rap beat instrumental, the piano is used for the chords and the melody. Naturally, each one plays a different role. On one hand, the chords are very prominent and fill the atmosphere of the instrumental. Thus, the piano chords bring a cloudy and chill vibe to the song. On the other hand, the piano melody is dynamic. It consists of a few high-pitched notes played at the end of bars to contrast with the loud aspect of the chords.
About the beat maker, PHOBOS
Phobos is a beat maker based in Amsterdam. Over the last two years, he’s been very active on Youtube and uploaded many beats online. Also, you can find many free beats on his Beatstars account.
Go follow him and discover all his beats: Go
Piano instrumental for love songs
Check out this piano instrumental for love songs made by Tower Beatz.
Download this piano beat for free
You can download it for free here on Beatstars: Download
Beat information and analysis
- Name: Marry Me
- BPM: 65
- Key: Fm
This love instrumental is called “Marry Me.” So, write your best rap love lyrics and prepare to declare your undying love to your beloved. Besides, the BPM of this song is 65, which is pretty low. It’s perfect for a storytelling rap. Also, this piano beat instrumental is composed in a minor key (Fm). It allows you to write deep and emotional lyrics.
About the beat maker, Tower Beatz
Tower Beatz is a beat producer and composer from Peru. He is certified Platinum and has worked with artists such as Bad Bunny, Brytiago, Farruko, Alex Rose, Lary Over, Amarion, among others. His Youtube Channel has 1,01 M users (on this date: July 12, 2022).
Go follow him and discover all his beats: Go
Happy piano instrumental
Check out this happy piano instrumental by Lit Kid Beats.
Download this piano instrumental for free
You can download it for free here on Beatstars: Download
Beat information and analysis
- Name: Good Vibes
- BPM: 164
Indeed, the song bears its name: Good Vibes. At first sight, the song makes you want to wear your best pair of glasses, your best T-shirt and shorts and take a stroll along the beach. During the hook, the beat makes you want to dance along with the piano melody, which is very melodic, nonchalant but captivating. In addition, there is a second piano melody that runs throughout the song and is made up of four simple piano chords to contrast with the complex chorus piano melody.
About the beat maker, Lit Kid Beats
Lit Kid Beats is very famous on Youtube, with a community of 47,5K fans. The young producer is 29 and comes from Germany. He loves making hip hop, trap, and R&B instrumentals. By the way, he often posts free beats, so you should follow him on Youtube to get notified when it happens. Finally, this beat maker is a promoter of happiness and love. For that matter, his Instagram profile’s description says “Let‘s fill this world with LOVE & HAPPINESS ❤”. Anyway, he usually posts happy and chill beats.
Go follow him and discover all his beats: Go
See you next month for new free beats
I hope you had a great time listening to these 5 piano beat instrumentals. Make sure to download them before it’s too late. Also, you can make your own piano beats easily on It’s free (more info here)
Anyway, see you in August for a new free beats list!
See you soon.